Friday, 10 April 2015

In honour of Sibling Day

I sent this questionnaire to my sister Dayna, as she is another one of my biggest supporters of this blog. Even though I have known her for the 26 years of her life, reading her answers was so interesting to me and I learned things about her I never knew before. As sisters growing up together being so close in age, we definitely experienced so much together as children and adolescents and went through the same phases in life together. I would say Dayna was more of a tomboy than Princess Bri, but we did share many similar interests and loved all the same TV shows growing up. It’s so exciting to me how much she has shown interest in my blog and in makeup since I started this. One of the most exciting things that has happened to me this year (I don't get out much) was when after reading my post on the Wet N Wild lipsticks, she told me to go pick out some shades and send them to her. (She lives very far away from me). I had so much fun choosing colours I thought she might like. I’m hoping when I visit my family this year I will do a makeup shopping trip with her, complete with an inevitable trip to Starbucks of course.



When did you first start wearing makeup?

I think I only started wearing makeup when I was in late junior high or high school…I won’t count the clown face paint I wore when I was five. I started wearing real non four-dollar foundation after I met my friend Melanie at WSU a few years ago and she introduced me to MAC.



What is your favourite overall brand of makeup?

I have no brand loyalty outside of Apple…lately I buy whatever I can afford that won’t leave a hive or rash on my face. Foundation, I do stick with MAC though. Primer is usually Almay. Ok I have brand loyalty.


Where is your favourite place to shop for beauty products?

Besides primer at Kroger or the occasional MAC at Macy’s I actually buy no makeup. If people only knew how old the shit in my makeup bag was. Still rockin’ the Urban Decay Naked palette I bought in Ohio two years ago. And Forever21 lipglosses that are developing weird tinges of colour.


One product you can’t live without?

Foundation. Or my hair straightener. I resemble the love child of Weird Al Yankovic and Frodo without it.


Who is your biggest beauty inspiration?

I always like how Kate Winslet looks…Mila Kunis too. And Kate Middleton.


If you could go shopping with anyone, who would it be?

Kate Middleton. Mostly so I could convince her to be my friend. Or (this is insane)…Emma Swan who isn’t a real person. I love all her outfits. Or Michelle Money.


What is your one favourite all-time TV show?

Grey’s Anatomy forever. My cat Izzie Stevens agrees.


What is your “Happy Place”?

Anywhere I could have a bunch of rescued pit bulls and kitties running rampant around me. Or in a field with lavender and cows. #redneck


What is your favourite makeup product you have bought in 2015?

Well I didn’t buy it but I got a free MAC lipstick finally and I really like the shade. Kind of off purple/pink if that makes sense. About as subtle as MAC can get. (I asked Dayna what the name of the lipstick was and she said…. Snob. Victory!)


What is your signature look?

I’ve been rocking brown or brown smoky eye shadow for two years.


Favourite colour?

Purple or pink…


Any bad beauty habits?

I refuse to wax, shape, thread or color the lines of hair above my eyeballs. Ain’t nobody got time for that.



Dream job?

Dream realistic job – materials planner for Johnson & Johnson

Dream unrealistic job – run my own pit bull rehab facility


Lastly, what are 3 things you would bring with you to a desert island?

A razor …..a canoe I guess to row my way home and my Brita. Unfiltered water sends me into a tailspin.


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