Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Home sweet home


I was at H&M recently to shop for clothes for my son. Apparently my brown eyes and hair weren’t the only thing he inherited from me, he also has my taste for fashion. Looking stylish has long been important to him, and he is very particular about clothing and brands. I generally shop for his clothes at Winners or H&M, as I find trendy quality clothes at both places. I don’t shop for myself at H&M very much as their clothes tend to fit me “weird”. It isn’t something I can explain, it just has always been that way. We entered the bright new location at the mall we were at that day and as I wandered through the store, something appeared to me that made me lose all functionality of my body.


H&M Home.


I stood there motionless, all colour draining out of my face. Panic mode ensued. I frantically dialed the number to my friend who I had literally just ran into at the mall that day and shouted incoherently at her into my iPhone before hanging up without warning. “H&M HAS A HOME SECTION WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN WHY DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS I CAN’T HANDLE THIS WHAT IS HAPPENING BYE WORLD I AM MALFUNCTIONING AND CANNOT BREATHE I HAVE TO GO”. Everything in their Home section I was in love with. It was so my style, very feminine and chic. I began wandering aimlessly, gazing at everything displayed so adorably around the small section. But my most favourite part of this discovery? Everything was so inexpensive. A new throw pillow and two decorative items were the new additions to my home I chose that day and my total for all three was just under $30. I already am looking forward to my next visit where perhaps more treasures will be discovered.


My home décor has definitely taken on more of a priority with me in the past two years. It was around that time my long-term relationship at the time ended and I felt free to decorate my home the way I saw fit and the way that I wanted to. I loved where I lived (and still do!) and I wanted to fully express my creativity and femininity in my own space. Constantly I am on the hunt for things that add to the overall ambiance of my home and Winners provides a great source where I have found mostly everything I currently have. Over the weekend while I was perusing the aisles of the location near where I live, as I am known to do, I found this picture and I knew I had to have it. The location I believe has been chosen, and I am so excited to hang it.


Bri’s List of favourite places to shop for home décor:







Target (Only now in the US…. I would not recommend going anywhere near the Canadian ones right now as you’ll have to engage in a UFC match over shopping carts)


H&M Home


If anyone is looking for me I’ll be in H&M Home until further notice.


  1. I want that Enjoy pillow! That La vie est belle sign! Fabuleux, les deux. I'll be checking out our H&M as I had no idea either they had a home section.

  2. It actually says Enjoy Life.... picture taking skills are still non-existant with me, sorry. I believe the Home section is new cuz I am there often enough I would've known about it before.
